Well, it's taken about a year of editing, but I've finally got a rough draft of the film.

I'll be cleaning and tightening for the next couple weeks and then I'll send off a rough copy to some folks for notes. I figure it'll take us until April 1st to get picture locked.

After that, the film will be sent off to both the sound mixer and colorist.

Then we'll have a finished film by June 1st and just in time for festival submissions for next year.
All this being said, we still need to raise about $8,000 to finish the film and get about $2000 to submit to festivals. So, if you've been following the progress, please consider donating through the IDA website, or to our upcoming fundraiser March 1st.

We will run a campaign on Indiegogo from February 19th - March 19th.
Our hope is to have the funds by the first day of spring, which also coincides with the Persian New Year of Nowruz.

This film began back in 2016 when Kevin Ramsey asked me what my apocalypse was, and it's now coming to a close four years later.

Thank you all for your support. This film would not happen without everyone who has been part of the journey, and the many more who will support the film through the final edits, the festival season, and its final journey out to the world.
Thanks again,